Peter Angelini, Esq
Peter Angelini, Esq


Peter Angelini was born and raised in central New York, in the small town of New Hartford, just outside of Utica. After graduating from New Hartford High School in 1985, he continued his education at Muhlenberg College, graduating Cum Laude in 1989 with a BA degree in Political Science. Thereafter he attended Syracuse University College of Law, graduating Magna Cum Laude with his Juris Doctor in 1992. 

After a short stint in private practice, in 1993 Peter joined the Oneida County Department of Social Services as a trial lawyer litigating cases involving children’s welfare such as child physical and sexual abuse, foster care placements, and termination of parental rights. 

In 2001, Peter began working as a law clerk to the Hon. Bernadette T. Romano, Oneida County Family Court Judge. In that capacity, he often met with lawyers and litigants alike to attempt settlement of their cases, enjoying a high success rate in doing so.

In 2006, he took on a similar law clerk role with Judge Clark (formerly Romano) but in Oneida County Supreme Court, where the breath of cases he worked on expanded exponentially, including but not limited to auto accidents, medical malpractice, contract disputes, land use disputes, administrative/government disputes, employment disputes, real estate disputes, and matrimonial disputes. Peter held settlement conferences with attorneys and litigants in all these matters and was able to achieve a resolution in most of them.

In 2015, Peter entered the judiciary, as a Court Attorney Referee in Oneida County Family Court. Referees are quasi-judicial officers with specific jurisdiction to act as a judge in certain types of cases, namely child custody, visitation, and the issuance of orders of protection. There he had the unique opportunity to see things from a judge’s point of view and was at the forefront of the effort to resolve cases. With almost 10 years on the bench, he heard and resolved thousands of cases, mostly through settlements, but some through trial and decision.

 In January 2025, Peter retired from the court system, and took a position in the field of insurance law, at Utica National Insurance Group, as a coverage and specialty claims counsel. Because insurance issues are very prevalent in society, this position has served to round out the extensive knowledge Peter already possesses concerning disputes and their resolution.

 In addition to Peter’s vast amount of practical experience in conflict resolution gained from 31 years working in the courts, his passion for resolving disputes was recently furthered by studying for and obtaining his Certificate of Accreditation in Mediation, having completed the 40 hour course and passing a final exam.

 Peter looks forward to continuing his career as a conflict resolver, but in a new and exciting role as a Mediator!